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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Kanna main quest hardstuck
Bug type: Quest bug?
Brief bug summary:
In one of Kanna's quests you talk to an npc and somehow I get stuck in an infinite loop of dialogue and the only way to exit is to close the game
More details:
Quest name is "First Contact" and is for lvl 25 and above. Its a prequest to Kannas job advancement and the quest right before ereve quest.
(anything not included in the other sections of your report)
Steps to reproduce: Just trying to complete the First Contact after talking to her initially she will have you tlak to her again and then you will be stuck in an infinite loop of her asking if you want to know anything else.
(if not covered in the summary)
Character name: Fineokay
Character level: 30
Character job: Kanna
World name: Reboot
Date and time of the incident: June. 3. 4:00 EST
(mention your time zone if you aren't posting Pacific time)