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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Pitched Items,MP Badge, familars karma bound
Please can we make Pitched set and items like Monster park Badges which are difficult to obtain karma bound within account? I feel Obliged to play my character since i invested in a Non-Explorer class and with current trends to balance out and negate the sole uniqueness of classes (balances to stance and mobbing ability) there is more freedom to play whatever class you enjoy.
Explorers have the option to switch freely with either meso or job coin during events which allows them to change their class rather frequently and not feel stale whilst playing and investing in a single character. I currently own 5 pieces of Pitched boss set on a non-explorer character 4 of which are 22* and 5-6L potted (reg server) which has been a painstaking investment over the course of starting the game. the chances of getting 3Ls on these are difficult as well as the investment into flames (reaching those insane flames can cost insane amounts)
The more reccent 2x cash drop card was removed which now affects the drop rate of pitched items and meso obtained in general which makes funneling into another class much more difficult as of right now.