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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Unable to proceed to Chu Chu Island area
Bug type: Prequest / area access
Brief bug summary: My 210 Jett does not have access to the quest " [Chu Chu] Below the Falls", and jumping off Cave of Repose: Damp Falls tells you to use the quest to proceed to Chu Chu.
More details:
- My Jett (IGN: PowderJetts, Level 210) has completed both Vanishing Journey and Reverse City questlines, both before Destiny update
- Jumping off the Cave of Repose: Damp Falls map results in a message "Click the lightbulb icon on the left of the screen to view the [Chu Chu] Below the Falls quest"
- Entering/Respawning
- I have tried clearing out RamuRamu quests from the whitelight bulb, but the Chu Chu quest still does not appear
- I have previously completed the Chu Chu questline on other characters before
- I have not tried a different class, a newly created character, nor a new account (to avoid skip option)
Steps to reproduce:
1. Reach Level 210 and complete Vanishing Journey questline (and Reverse City questline) to obtain VJ symbol
2. Walk to the Cave of Repose: Damp Falls and jump off the cliff
3. Check the White Lightbulb and quest window, you will not see any quest to enter Chu Chu
Character name: PowderJetts
Character level: 210
Character job: Jett
World name: Aurora
Date and time of the incident: June 15 11:00pm PDT