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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Burnininator Jett cannot access some event quests
Bug type: Quest, item, functionality
Brief bug summary: After receiving my burninator item, I transferred it to my newly created Jett. However I have noticed that I could not claim the Tera burning Level-up support giveaway on her. I noticed that she is missing a lot of event quests, such as the explorer redux quests.
More details: I have created another new character (Shade) and used my second burninator item on her. She was able to receive the quest for the tera burning support package and is also able to see event quests such as the "[Explorer Redux] Get Your Gifts!" as well as the Explorer Redux New Journey maple leaf emblem and even the Destiny Pre-Registration Gift boxes. My friend has also experienced the same bug.
Steps to reproduce: Create a Jett
Character name: Jettsklink
Character level: 22
Character job: Jett
World name: Scania
Date and time of the incident: 18th, June, 2022, ~7:00pm AEST