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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
[Reboot] Flames no longer instanced
Various bosses (notably Black Mage and Slime) have inconsistent and strange drop formulas. Items that used to be instanced are sometimes shared. In Black Mage everything is shared and in every boss Black Eternal Rebirth flames are shared. It used to be Honor, Flames, and armor/weapon drops were instanced. There was no mention of this being changed in the Destiny patch notes, and the patch notes even confirm that this is not intended.
The following boss rewards will be changed from individual rewards to shared rewards:
Occult Cube
Rebirth Flame Lv. 110
Rebirth Flame Lv. 120
Rebirth Flame Lv. 130
Rebirth Flame Lv. 140
Rebirth Flame Lv. 150
Production Soul Enchanter
The following boss rewards will be changed from shared rewards to individual rewards:
Medal of Honor
Boss Medal of Honor
Zakum's Soul Shard
Hilla's Soul Shard
Papulatus Soul Shard
This was NOT MENTIONED in patch notes and changes what Reboot has been like since flames were introduced. This is a major change that was not communicated since before all flames were instanced. Yeah flame drop rate sucks now, but more importantly NOT ALL FLAMES ARE INSTANCED. NOT EVEN HALF ARE INSTANCED.
Again, there was NO mention of boss drops being CHANGED to shared in Reboot. This is a bug that has been plaguing Reboot for 2 whole months.
Does a single person employed at Nexon play their game? Or much less, even read this forum? This issue has also been brought up on Reddit countless times and every time the posts get well over 20,000 views and are massively upvoted. How in the world is this STILL being ignored?