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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Bug type:
Contact Caravan skill not working
Brief bug summary:
The 10% cool down reduction from Ferret does not apply (and neither does the 5% reduction from Zippy)
More details:
The damage increase from Salvo and Zippy works, and as far as I know the exp increase from Mar and Zippy works
Steps to reproduce:
My first trial I went and used my Exclusive Spell before rolling Ferret (used a buccaneer as a timeleap mule to reset Exclusive Spell cooldown before each Contact Caravan cast to ensure results of first trial).
My Exclusive Spell was on cool down and then I rolled Ferret which did not reduce the time remaining on the skill.
For trial two I used timeleap to skip the CD again on Exclusive Spell and tried casting it again after having the Ferret CD reduction already applied. The result was the same and the CD was not shortened.
Character name:
Character level:
Character job:
World name:
Date and time of the incident:
I'm strongly against making a video since the skill has a 10 minute cool down and could require a lot of time on my part. Meanwhile any tester could easily reset cool downs on skills and check to see if the interaction is occurring.
Thank you for your report. I have forwarded this to the team, please let us know if you encounter any other issues.
Happy Mapling!