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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Tera Burninator from New Journey bug
I made in this sequence
1 explorer character i chose not to take burning effect
but i was unhappy with character name and made
2 explorer character i chose not to take burning effect and used Tera Burninator from New Journey event.
i leveled the Second character to lvl 205 and wanted to make a Tera burning character but now option for Tera burning vanished
now first character is still lvl 1 has no burning effect and second character has lvl 205 and recives rewards from new journey event but no longer has burning effect either
i was under the impression that since the Destiny update i will be able to make 1 “Tera Burning character” level it up to 200 and recive Tera Burninator and level “Tera Burninator character” to level 200 AND get another Tera Burninator character from NEW JOURNEY EVENT