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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Monad Julieta prequest death bug
Last part of monad to defect julieta. But once I died the server will automatic log out. And once I log in again the battle will start again. Can't defect the boss just in a one live. Please fix it.
Server: scania
IGN: HsiaoKK
Immediately after transitioning to the second phase, you have to iframe since julia ALWAYS uses here one shot charge attack after you spawn in.
When you get to the top of the tower in the second phase, some times Julieta won't finish climbing and instead will restart from the bottom. When she gets to the top, just jump around or move from one end of the platform to the other. Alternatively, you can use this part to let your iframes refresh.
Phase 3 and 4 are not bugged in any game breaking way, as far as I know. However, there are some attack patterns, that, similar to Phase 2, don't leave much or any room for dodging/movement. If you can burst her in Phase 2, that's the best advice.
Last but not least, the boss entry and boss clear count BOTH COUNT FOR THE BOSS CLEAR. So you can effectively only clear this boss twice a day, but since you can't die during the boss... gl with that. You'll probs get to beat this boss once a day unless you can burst it well.