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Marksman's Arrow Ilusion skill works halfway

Reactions: 2,985
Posts: 588
edited July 2022 in Bug Reporting
Bug Type: Skill doesn't work like intended in the GMS version.

Brief Bug Summary: Arrow Illusion doesn't properly aggro bosses, normaly the boss always attacks it instead of the player, but some bosses will attack the player or misjudge their position, only happened on GMS.

More details: Arrow Ilusion is suposed to be a puppet to aggro the boss attention, it's not working since DESTINY UPDATE hit GMS, it ONLY HAPPENED ON GMS, KOREA MS AND MSEA AREN'T WITH THIS ISSUE, it's a EXCLUSIVELY GMS BUG, so it can't get fixed by normal means.

Here is a visualization: Verus Hilla is so far the worse boss with current Illusion, most bosses work with 70~~100% intended gameplay.

Here is a recent recording from a KOREAN PLAYER (The Korean Version is 6months ahead, meaning they already got DESTINY and the skill is working as intended).

Here in GLOBAL version, she sometimes will aim at the player instead of the arrow even when it's right in front of her.

Somehow bosses can attack the dummy/Arrow in a MUCH bigger distance than intended, this mess up players boss runs, Lotus is seen here in the gif attacking the dummy across the map.

here is a video where Will boss doesn't always focus on arrow.

Steps to reproduce: Use Arrow Illsion near a boss monster with the class Marksman and have it be alone or have the party members not attack the boss, it will try to attack Arrow Ilusion like it's a puppet.

Reminder it will not always LOOK bugged, the inconsistent make this bug terrible.

Character name: Ivangoldes

Character level: 279

Character job: Marksman

World name: Bera

Date and time of incident: 05/16/2022, since Destiny update came to Global Maplestory.