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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Hi Maplers,
This is my first time posting here, so I apologize if this has been brought up before. I was curious to see people's opinion on the following:
Allow Wild Totems to function off activity time rather than a fixed 2 hour duration. This would mean that the totem's time remaining would only decrease when it is active on the map. Along with this you would have to make it so where you can only open one totem at a time so people don't abuse the totem's duration by simply opening them and leaving them in their USE inventory.
I understand the idea behind the current function of totems, but trying to railroad your players into grinding for 2 hours straight so they don't feel like they're missing out on any amount of time on the totem will only cause your more casual players to get burnt out. We all love training with the spawn rate that Wild Totems give, whether we're casual or tryhard. Please consider changing the way they function.