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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Burning World: Characters Lost Burn Effect
I created a new Angelic Buster on Aug. 30th at around 22:00 UTC and gave it the Mega Burning Effect; at first everything was fine and I was leveling 3 times per level. I was going to create another character once done with this one, but then I noticed something weird: my Angelic Buster started to only level once per round. I quit the game and reopened the client only to discover the flame behind my Angelic Buster was gone and so was the "create a burning character" tag on the character selection screen. I discovered this around Aug. 31st 01:00 UTC. The patch notes say that the Burning Effect should have lasted until Aug. 31st maintenance but maintenance is a few hours away. What gives?