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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Elite Champion and Elite Boss Orb bug
Bug type: Item(?) / Map
Brief bug summary: Elite Champion and Elite Boss Orbs disappear if you stand on top of them as they appear, and then reappear later.
More details:
If you're on top of an Elite Champion or Elite Boss Orb right as it spawns, it will disappear and you won't get the EXP. But if you re-enter the map or wait about 2 minutes, the orb will reappear like normal and reward the EXP.
Combo Orbs used to be bugged in the same way, but it was fixed years ago.
I have recorded a video to show both scenarios (re-entering the map + waiting 2 minutes)
Steps to reproduce:
1. Defeat an Elite Boss or Elite Champion, and stand on top of an orb as it appears. Notice that the orb will not give you the EXP.
2. Re-enter the map or wait about 2 minutes. Notice that the orb will reappear and grant the EXP.
Character name: GreenGales
Character level: 268
Character job: Wind Archer
World name: Bera (applies to any world, however)
Date and time of the incident: September 15, 2022 at 8:00 PM EST (but has persisted for a couple years)