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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Kicked out of boss mid-fight by party leader
Bug type:
Party bug
Brief bug summary:
6 man lucid party, party leader dies out, eventually there are 2 of us left. He somehow expels us from party and we are kicked out of lucid mid-fight. We had at least 10 min left on clock and 5+ lives.
More details:
Steps to reproduce:
If party leader is out of boss and changes channel, party leader can expel others while they're still in the boss. This kicks them out - I tested this on different bosses with a guild member.
If party leader is in same channel and tries to kick, you get the message "Options to leave a party or to kick someone from the party are restricted while on this map."
Entering cash shop does not work to reproduce this, just changing channels.
Character name:
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Date and time of the incident:
11/26/22, idk the time
Thank you for your report. I have forwarded this to the team, please let us know if you encounter any other issues.
Happy Mapling!