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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Quest bug [stellar detectives]
1 year before, I completed part of the questline of [stellar detectives], now when i want to continue the quest "[stellar detectives] tiger trackers" by entering the quest map, i got immediately kickout to where i was before entering. And the quest is still in my quest log (in progress). And I cant do it since i'm not in the quest map anymore. I have to forget the quest. The issue appears again even after I re-accept the quest. The only different from last year is I set my character as hyperburning one and got leveling up a bit.
Character name: qiuqiueerr
Character level:230
Character job:kanna
World name: EU-reboot
Date and time of the incident:1.12.2022 around 00:00 Central European Time
Thank you for your report. I have forwarded this to the team, please let us know if you encounter any other issues.
Happy Mapling!