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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Add Lava Stone Rebirth Flame into future events.
Hello todays suggestion is simple:
Add Lava Stone Rebirth Flames into future event coin stores or even add it into the legion coin shop x amount every week.
I know that if you have managed to get all 3 boxes thats (about 90 flames) But what if you dont get a good flame / not even a flame thats benefitial for your class?
It seems the chance of getting a good flame is quite high but by making the specific flame more accessible in the future you also will help people that might not be so lucky, to get more chances of getting a better flame in the future.
I hope to see Lava Stone Rebirth Flame in the future again!
//Reguards Perceptivity
This would allow secondary mains to obtain the slate and first mains that didn't get good rolls to retry.
I think it's doubtful we'll see this event for awhile if ever again.
It was great one!