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Bosses / Preogression too difficult
Hello , I am ibundance a lvl 241 30k Stat Cadena I have noticed that it seems like the gap between mid - late game players is too big Right now I am still struggling to complete CRA by myself and am wondering how someone who is low level is going to progress without the help of a guild and maxed legion. I recently started a new medicine which slows my reaction time and I struggled to solo my 3door CRA , The amount of money I lose by buying buff freezers makes it not even worth doing if I die during the runs. I think it's still a bit silly for players who are above level 200 to be struggling to get 150 gear. The gear we are struggling to get should match our level so that it doesnt feel like no matter how hard we try we are always behind somehow.
There would have to be massive changes in gear to obtain gear for the level you're supposed to be at.
That aside, these bosses are designed to be fought in parties of six. While they are possible to solo, it isn't the intention for new players to do so.
AT 241 and 30k stat it should be practically impossible for you to die in CRA.
I'm not trying to be mean here but this sounds like a skill issue. If you're really 30k and 90% IED (as you mentioned in another thread) these bosses should melt the moment you start attacking.
In this video I have similar stats to as you mentioned and the bosses die faster than they're really given time to do anything.
I specifically made sure I had no links or legion for this video to simulate a newer player.
Now, since I do have a decent bit of gear here, I made a second video which lowers my stats considerably.
This video has significantly lower stats due to the fact that I took off half my gear. This is still with no links and no legion.
CRA is soloable at a much earlier point than this too, other than pierre the bosses are for the most part, pretty fair.
If you can't solo it at 241 and 30k stat this is a you problem.
It's hard for me to take this post seriously as it just seems like the crying of a child who didn't get something for free.