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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
new Graphic Options for less screen clutter
Boss Enemies Skills only....Layer 1
Players Skills Layer 2
Translucent Effect activating only when Reflect enemy animation is starting....can't count how many time i died to reflect with it being hidden being my skills animation :S
i like seeing non translucent animations so i rather not use the current option but i would like an alternative to it where the transparency effect occur whenever reflect is about to be active.....possibly extend this option to some other dangerous boss skills beside reflect(improve game quality while retaining good animation active most of the time)
second suggestion(dmg Numbers)
would it be possible to reduce these huge numbers to say...these ?....i saw there were already some option but none of them make the numbers very small
as well as put them behind enemies casting animations(layer 2)
If you don't catch it fast enough you'll die regardless though.
"Unit" damage skins do this, not all damage skins come in unit and nexon doesn't roll them out often.
This is another one of those "Until Nexon gives of QoL we've been waiting years for."
hopefully that was an event skin so they dont have to do any refund if they make it a setting option
my dmg going down to 1 dont alway make it possible to stop attacking in time :S ........but ya i know of it...brain reaction time gotta be between 0.4-0.5 sec or we die