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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Chp3 6th star event, challenge bug [Elite Guards]
Challenge: "Defeat all 6 of the Black Mage's Elite Guard"
first issue: It only lists 5 guards in the kill tally not 6. So is it 6 guards or 5 guards??
second issue: Completing the 5 kills does not unlock the reward. As seen here, all 5 killed and it hasn't triggered the claim reward.
(image will auto delete in 3 weeks, image was of screenie showing all completed kills without reward being claimable.)
Which makes me think it is 6 guards??
I've been circling through the guards, Brawler no longer seems to spawn but farming them in hopes the claim reward will trigger. Unsure if intentional or coincidence but they seem to spawn in order for me Knight then Mage then Cybord then Hunter but then it cycles back to Knight, skipping Brawler.
Anyone else?
I've created a ticket for this but it hasn't been looked at yet so thought, since this is time limited, to post here to hedge my bets at getting an answer.
So within a 24hr period I managed to get all 5 guards (just got the brawler) and it completed the challenge.
I've killed all 5 guards, except the brawler multiple times, the mage more than the rest but either it was the original brawler kill that bugged this or it was killing the 5 within a day or it was killing the brawler for the second time that did it, who knows, but if any player reading this was in a situation like me my bet is there is something up with the brawler, try and kill one for the second time and see if that does the trick.
There is also only 5 guards, not 6 so there is that typo that needs to be fixed.