Hello all, many know me by many names, as I have many names, that's just the type of person I am. Some would call me the voice of the people, the voice of the voiceless, Malcolm X of maple, modern-day mlk, the list goes on. but enough of what people call me. We are here to discuss some business regarding the news of nexons recent decisions for gms.
When I heard the news of what was happening in gms I wasn't all too surprised. I had been if not the most vocal mapler when it came to nexons decisions during the years. I have also been the reason for many changes as well, especially in these forums. "I am not a Nexon employee or worker so please mods don't lie like last time saying I'm impersonating anyone as we can see I am not saying that."
Now I would like to also explain my previous statement, in the past, we had an issue where players were being silenced, and those who were in charge of moderation were going overboard when players were voicing their opinions on something that recently happened. I made a post about the culture of the community the issues of the cultural shift and ways to fix it.
I was banned from the forums for voicing my opinion on the treatment of the player base and also issues we all know the community was going through. Other people saw what happened and also joined in and voiced their opinions. Us voicing our opinions and willingness to follow through with it even if it meant being banned had helped make a change on the forums we see here. Right after I was banned and a few others, the community manager at the time made a new strike system where people get 3 strikes and then a permanent ban from forums.
Now if anyone sees my strikes on my account those first 2 strikes were them trying to get back for what I did. But the message I'm conveying is me being a voice and willing to follow through with change even if it meant being banned is why this change happened as before people were being banned for absolutely no reason. Insane reasons that made no sense, but my pointing out the issue made the change.
Now what we see is Nexon implementing a new update which is called "new age". Sounds new and sounds great, which is what we would want to say. This new update from what I have been hearing from people in certain maple communities is that it has a lot of nerfs to things that the other maples like km, sea don't have.
Now I had to think as to why would gms be the only ones to get Nerfs and this new update which is extremely bad, but not the other maples. Also, I had to ask the question as to why make a reboot 2? This to me didn't make a lot of sense at first, but then I had to put on my business hat and think not as a player of maple, but as a person running a gaming operation.
Now one thing I had to think of is with a gaming operation as big as Nexon who is on their team when making such decisions? Now one group of people or role I was thinking of is an analytics team. Now with an analytics team, I'm sure this team came up with something which is called a "gaming analytics strategy "
A gaming analytics strategy is a way of using data from players’ behaviors and actions to guide decisions that improve the game design, monetization, and business impact of a gaming company. A gaming analytics strategy can help answer questions like how long people play, times of the week and month players play, and many other behaviors and patterns.
Now thinking about how we in gms play and how players in kms play the game, definitely played a role in the recent decisions Nexon made. If I were to go off with a guess as to why we in gms got a cap and those in Korea don't have a cap, I think cause we in gms if we go by the stats and analytics are stronger, and have proven stats to show that we perform at a high rate.
Now this in a way is good as yeah we in gms are high performers and have a proven track record, but this is also a bad thing for the company. "again I state it 'cause I know some of the mods just waiting to gun at me, I'm not an employee or person with power in the company, etc I'm giving my opinion!!!! chill out!"
The company from what I'm guessing is trying to recruit many players to join with this new update "new age" in gms. Now with gms pushing ads almost everywhere from YouTube ads, bing, etc, this shows they are serious about recruiting new players. WIth recruiting new players it can be challenging for many of the reasons I guess above in my opinion of what happened with the analytics and research team if they have one.
I think the challenge with recruiting players in gms is there is too much of a power gap for new players to join and catch up. So this is where the reboot 2 idea came from. I am guessing with this idea the team thought "ok lets make a new server, have new players join it, as well as returning and current players join it and the problem will be solved".
This is where I think the tricks are also being played as well, where I see they even convincing current players to give up most of their gains and status they work for to join a new server which would not benefit them at all. Now note I mentioned we are the strongest of the servers from what I'm guessing as they wouldn't be making these decisions if we weren't.
Getting op players to shoot themselves in the foot "You get what I'm saying" This will help new players feel like they got a shot, also this is a way of Nexon giving everyone a trophy and a way so there are no winners while everyone is on the same footing. This also helps them slow down the players so they can take their time making new content.
This move if they can convince enough people to fall for it will be a win for them. Now this is also the reason why we have a cap on those items or dailies. Because Nexon trying to slow down the hardcore gms players enough so they can take their time to make new content. this whole strategy they playing is to slow down the greats like myself and others so they can recruit new players and make content. Also securing a new player base and potential revenue from this update.
Now with this strategy is easy to disrupt, with any strategy in business we as consumers have the power and the upper hand. We the current player base are their bread and butter and are the ones keeping the lights on. This is where Nexon will test the waters to see if we as a community will not say anything and remain voiceless while they pull these moves on us.
Now as I mentioned before in the title I quit being the voice of the voiceless going forward and through 2024. I have a feeling there will be a few maplers who will protest and be serious about holding Nexon to the fire with these decisions. But from my experience being a member on the discord, forums, and in-game I have seen over the years that the community isn't all too serious about change or getting what they want. I don't believe collectively it can be done from what I have seen.
I had recently seen a bean person quit in protest which I do respect as sacrifices must be made for change. Reminds me of myself in a way, But yeah even though that person quit I don't believe the rest will, they will continue to do the work and let it be. Also, I don't believe the members who are active in the discord will follow through and make noise. I don't believe there is a voice in the community anymore. Just voiceless players who will just accept anything this company throws at them good or bad.
If I were to advise on the current situation if I was still a voice, I would say for every player to stop spending money in the game. Do your dailies and stuff but don't invest real money. I would say all the members who bean people and any affiliates should quit and stick to it. If you don't invest money or don't support the update they will be forced to change it.
But I don't believe this outcome will happen with what I have been seeing. I do enjoy this game but it seems like a wrap when it comes to this new update and plans Nexon is making. For the MapleStory 2 community who had me as their voice, I do want to say I appreciated being a voice for you and do hope all are doing well. For the MapleStory 1 community yeah nexon going to do what they want so yeah it sucks
But yes I hereby quit as well quit being the voice of the people starting today. I hereby resign and from now going I will just be Riza leader of Dragontirbe and The First Black Kaiser "FBK". Have a great day and Nexon I have nothing against you, you are doing what you are supposed to, as this is just business. Also, mods I have nothing against you either as you are just being you as always

also community managers this situation isn't your fault so keep being you as well and ignore the haters.