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Remove Miracle time Spam please

Reactions: 975
Posts: 179
edited June 28 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
This makes seeing messages ingame incredibly hard.


  • RedRavenRedRaven
    Reactions: 1,105
    Posts: 232
    edited July 3
    that junk been ongoing for like 14 years......its still baffling why they never undone it.....i can't get behind the why at all....you would think that should be common sense that spamming ppl is extremely aggravating

    on top of that they never offer the option in setting to turn it off.......that should also be common sense......maybe they hate the job so much they want ppl to suffer with them...well they did some QoL improvement recently but they still got a long long way to go i believe....so maybe...just maybe this will be a fix on their list at some point.... see how things go in the mean time