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nother PQ revamp(Kerning this time)

Reactions: 1,235
Posts: 277
edited July 2024 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
Stage 1: Defeat ligators
Ligators new skills
Skill 1:Acid drip(periodicly drop acid from their mouth..if a player come in contact they die)
Skill 2: Snap...Ligator attempt to bite player to death
Skill 3:Glare...Ligator Paralyze target for 1 sec(cannot paralyze more than once every 6 sec)
Ligators die after a player use a skill on them around 5 time

bottom floor of stage 1:
Dyle roam and any player touching him instant die....Dyle will charge at players if a player stay more than 4 sec on the bottom platform

safety platform on far right added on the map so players can stand there if rdy to clear.....skills are disabled on the safety platform(no cheesing)

Stage 2: stand on the correct ropes
the stage has 2 additional ropes up from 4
ropes will periodicly become on fire and player die if they are on it(there will be a 7 second timer on the screen to let player know when the ropes light up on fire)
the time has a fire icon around it to indicate that its the rope timer
Every 20 second the swamp rise to cover the bottom platform&ropes, players standing in it get devour by the ligators roaming the swamp, swamp goes back
down 1 sec after engulfing the bottom area
Every 20 second carnivorous plants come down from the ceilling to devour players standing on the top platform,
they go away 1 sec after coming down from the ceiling
the ligators and carnivorous plants alternate at random
there a second timer next to the ropes one
the second timer will have a muddy icon and a vines icon to indicate whats coming up(either swamp rise or carnivorous plants)
1 Ligator will be stationed under each rope patrolling a bit to the left and right from it...if a player touch them instant death
whenever the swamp tide goes back down or the carnivorous plants goes away, increase stationned ligators movement speed for 4 sec
under each rope there also a mud pool that if a player step in it their movement speed get reduce by 70%

Stage 3 stand on the correct platforms
whenever the answer is wrong a strong wind push all players to the left of the map THEN the swamp begin to rise
while climbing back up the slope, sliding ligators will try to eat player going up
boulders will fall at random spots on the 5 platforms and all over the upper area floor for players to dodge
a bubble will grow on a platform every 10 sec and any player standing near it when it pop will get glue to the floor for 5 sec


Stage 4: stand on the correct Barrels
barrels count increase to 8
instead of 3 players standing on the barrels all 4 players will have to stand on them to guess the correct code
the swamp will flood the entire platform under the barrels once all 4 players are standing on the barrel
players will have to get the code right without falling in the swamp otherwise they get eaten by ligators and die
a gentle wind will try to push the players off the barrels once every 15 secs for 3 secs

Note: if a player died during this run, the fourth barrel wont be require(the game will flag it as if a fourth player was on it)


Stage 5: kill Curse Eyes and the King Slime
Curse Eye new skills
Skill 1: summon a black pool under a player that deal 50% of their hp every 2 sec
Skill 2: spit a spike ball every 8 second that explode and release 3 spikes in a frontal cone(instant death on touch)
Skill 3:upon death summon a Curse Eye spirit(it does nothing untill all 3 Curse eyes has been kill)
Curse Eye take approx 12 use of skills to die

upon killing all 3 curse eye all 3 spirit become 1 and spit spirit ball every 5 sec at players(it will follow them untill the King Slime die)

King Slime Floor can't be access untill all 3 curse eyes have been kill


King Slime
Ground Pound is now a 1 shot attack
new skill 1: every 8 sec mark a player, if that player is near their party member after 3 second they turn them into king slime servants then die if the player that turn them into the king slime servants die
new skill 2: after taking 50% dmg split himselve into 2 halves, those 2 halve split into 2 more halves if they're down to 8% HP remaining
when the king slime split in halves his damage get reduce
King Slime whole(100% dmg)
King Slime Halves(first split)(65% dmg of the non-split King had)
King Slime Halves(second split)(deal 40% of the dmg the non-split King had)
due to how this work ground pound no longer 1 shot after he split...the effect also reduce skill 3&4 dmg

New skill 3: spit slime balls at players, player touching it become glue to the floor
new skill 4: Slime storm, spin at high speed sending fragments of itself at players that deal 34% dmg every 0.8 sec for 5 sec, pet auto-healing disabled during this attack
slime storm cannot be avoided

each Player gets 3 lifes
handicap settings for players that wants it
Handicap 1.1.......-1 life at the start of the run(+10% extra loots)
Handicap 1.2......-2 life at the start of the run(+30% extra loots)
Handicap 2.1......periodicaly loose 10% life every 2 sec(+10% extra loots).....WARNING: pet healing disabled the entire run if this handicap is selected
Handicap 2.2......periodicaly loose 15% life every 2 sec(+20% extra loots)....WARNING: pet healing disabled the entire run if this handicap is selected
Handicap 2.3......periodicaly loose 20% life every 2 sec(+30% extra loots).....WARNING: pet healing disabled the entire run if this handicap is selected
Handicap 3.1......every 20 sec , a bomb will be place on you, be near your party members to reduce its dmg by 95% or instant die if your far from them
at least 2 party member must be next to you to reduce the dmg by 95%....(+20% extra loots)
Handicap 4.1....Invert Control(Left and Right only are reversed for the entire run)...(+40% extra loots)(only selectable if at least 1 other handicap was pick)

rule 1 : if 2 players died or left during the run, all players gets kick out
rule 2: at the start of the run, the players vote on weither the party is allow to take handicaps or not as it may possibly make clearing a lot harder, maximum of 8 sec to select what you want,it will default choose no handicap if haven't select either within next 8 sec

like the previous revamp i did for Ludi pq....this 1 also get 4 difficulties setting(the written revamp above is written for extreme difficulty)
Very Hard

lower difficulties will have nerf or removed mechanics that extreme has for players that want to enjoy the pq but can't handle a rly high difficulty

just like ludi pq rewards are gonna be exp, nodestones, exp nodestones, bosses gear bag(non-weekly bosses equipment)

iin addition to its own special equip piece

also i thought of a way to make each revamped pq give a piece of gear that would be valuable

so what i have in mind is the following....each pq will give a part of an item to fill(each pq part enchant 1 special item)

lets says either a Totem or Medal to complete using every PQ fragment
how to get a Fragment from a PQ ?
Extreme: complete it 25 time each(total of 350 PQ to complete for the completed item)
Very Hard: complete each pq 15 time each(Total of 210 PQ to complete the VH item)
Hard: complete each pq 8 time each(Total of 112 PQ)
Normal: complete each PQ 4 time each(Total of 56 PQ)

Extreme PQ Version
Kerning PQ Fragment +3% All Stats
Ludbrium PQ Fragment +3% ATT/M-ATT
Orbis PQ Fragment +5% Boss Dmg
Magatia PQ Fragment +10 ATT/M-ATT
Dragon Rider PQ Fragment +50 All Stats
Kenta PQ Fragment +10% IED
Iceman PQ Fragment + 3% Critical Damage
Escape PQ Fragment +5% Damage
Ressurection ¨PQ Fragment +10% IED
Pyramid PQ Fragment +15% Buffs Duration
Cooking PQ Fragment +2000 HP/MP
Chryse PQ Fragment +10% HP/MP
Pirate PQ Fragment +5% Crit Rate
Carnival PQ Fragment Normal Enemy DMG +5%
Fully completed Item +2% Ignore Elemental Resistance

Very Hard PQ Version
Kerning PQ Fragment +2% All Stats
Ludbrium PQ Fragment +2% ATT/M-ATT
Orbis PQ Fragment +4% Boss Dmg
Magatia PQ Fragment +8 ATT/M-ATT
Dragon Rider PQ Fragment +40 All Stats
Kenta PQ Fragment +8% IED
Iceman PQ Fragment + 2% Critical Damage
Escape PQ Fragment +4% Damage
Ressurection ¨PQ Fragment +8% IED
Pyramid PQ Fragment +12% Buffs Duration
Cooking PQ Fragment +1600 HP/MP
Chryse PQ Fragment +8% HP/MP
Pirate PQ Fragment +4% Crit Rate
Carnival PQ Fragment Normal Enemy DMG +4%
Fully completed Item +1% Ignore Elemental Resistance

Hard PQ Version
Kerning PQ Fragment +2% All Stats
Ludbrium PQ Fragment +1% ATT/M-ATT
Orbis PQ Fragment +3% Boss Dmg
Magatia PQ Fragment +7 ATT/M-ATT
Dragon Rider PQ Fragment +35 All Stats
Kenta PQ Fragment +7% IED
Iceman PQ Fragment + 2% Critical Damage
Escape PQ Fragment +3% Damage
Ressurection ¨PQ Fragment +7% IED
Pyramid PQ Fragment +8% Buffs Duration
Cooking PQ Fragment +1200 HP/MP
Chryse PQ Fragment +7% HP/MP
Pirate PQ Fragment +3% Crit Rate
Carnival PQ Fragment Normal Enemy DMG +3%
Fully completed Item +1% Damage

Normal PQ Version
Kerning PQ Fragment +1% All Stats
Ludbrium PQ Fragment +1% ATT/M-ATT
Orbis PQ Fragment +2% Boss Dmg
Magatia PQ Fragment +5 ATT/M-ATT
Dragon Rider PQ Fragment +25 All Stats
Kenta PQ Fragment +5% IED
Iceman PQ Fragment + 1% Critical Damage
Escape PQ Fragment +2% Damage
Ressurection ¨PQ Fragment +5% IED
Pyramid PQ Fragment +5% Buffs Duration
Cooking PQ Fragment +500 HP/MP
Chryse PQ Fragment +5% HP/MP
Pirate PQ Fragment +2% Crit Rate
Carnival PQ Fragment Normal Enemy DMG +2%
Fully completed Item +1% Damage

one of my idea to how to revive PQ and make them meaningful
for the Ludi PQ revamp just seek out my other thread

i'am aware that i didn't include Bunny PQ and Ariant Coliseum PQ for the fragment section....but i'am not gonna bother with whats been remove from the game...same for any other i forgot or dunno of......well anyway...hope you guys enjoy this pq revamp idea for Kerning :3.... think i made it juicy enough for some fun......and hope the few hardcore players love the handicap system :)

EDIT: fixed some typos....and i think i made Stage 2 a little lacking for extreme......gonna think something up to add to it
EDIT 2: added some new stuff to stage 2 :)....good enough now to be extreme worth :D


  • iBundanceiBundance
    Reactions: 975
    Posts: 179
    edited July 2024
    keep pq the same make them active by adding rewards that are worth getting and making monsters stronger
  • RedRavenRedRaven
    Reactions: 1,235
    Posts: 277
    edited July 2024
    same on Normal difficulty sure(aka no new mechanic added to normal)... but no great reward from it.....dont want it to be the same on hard, very hard and extreme

    each difficulty setting from hard or highter will have mechanics fitting the difficulty....
    extreme will have 100% of the new mechanics
    very hard will have 3/4 of extreme mechanic(less mech to deal with)
    hard will have half of them(even less mechanics than VH and Extreme)
    and normal will be classic(no new mechanic on normal)

    old pq had no challenge to them...its time to raise the bar to make them rly fun and engaging...old plain pqs wont cut it by itself, so adding difficulty is a must

    ppl didn't give NX valid arguments or any interesting suggestions in the past to make them interest in reviving those pq from what i heard from some ppl......the whole point of this thread is to give them a reason to do so........and thats by making players interest in them

    having 4 difficulty setting will cater to players with different skills range but at the same time highter difficulty will reward more for the efforts put in them
    while i dont expect majority to handle extreme well...i think most of the average players will at least be able to take on very hard

    just like bosses...dont expect them to give you top quality gear if you can't put efforts in trying....so just choose normal difficulty if you want to play it old way but it wont be very rewarding...i understand the desire for nostalgia but time need to change a bit

    and just like we have a Boss UI.....NX could make a PQ UI that work the very same way as boss ui..and you could potentially find other ppl like you in it for the nostalgia that select the Normal difficulty...but honestly....i think a lot of ppl would enjoy the revamp version with new mechanics that add some actual challenge on top of access to the old version on normal..old pq versions you could praticly play with 1 hand and beat it...although to rly make it like the old version on normal they gotta remove the hand holding system that light up platforms



    also hopefully ppl will know how magatia pq platform work if its revamp...because last time i ran that pq like 15 years ago ppl didn't even know how it work
    ppl didn't type their platforms code in, which made the run take longer :S basicly for each floor all players get a different platform that send them up
    for example player 1 get left most platform on second floor.....that mean all other 3 players aren't left most....and telling other would basicly tell them "dont bother using your left most platform for second floor, instead try your middle ones and right most ones"

    so something like 422-312-244-4 would mean
    4 = right most............floor 1
    2 middle left...............floor 2
    2 middle left...............floor 3
    3 middle right............floor 4
    1 left most.................floor 5
    2 middle left..............floor 6
    2 middle left..............floor 7
    4 right most..............floor 8
    4 right most..............floor 9
    4 right most.............floor 10

    so basicly all players dont use the platforms that the player with this code has
    speed up greatly if a player or 2 get lots of 1-2 for floor 1-7