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Make Transferable the 15star Arcane Weapon Box

Reactions: 600
Posts: 3
edited July 23 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
One of the rewards for reaching lvl 260 on a Hyper Burning character is the 15-star Arcane Umbra Weapon Set Box (Time-Restricted). There's a note that says the you cannot use the box on a Zero character, which makes sense, however, I didn't know that the box would be untradeable upon distribution. I do think that if you receive the box on a Zero character from this event, the box should be tradeable within the world. There has been a previous precedence of making this or similar boxes tradeable or transferrable to another character, I believe. Either that, or some other reward should be distributed.

I was hoping that after posting it as an issue (the box being untradeable on a Zero), there would be an immediate resolution, but it would appear that more time is needed to get things into motion. I am making this discussion post as a suggestion for this change after being encouraged by one of the Nexon Support Members. Maybe some additional visibility on this to make the box transferable or to identify another fitting reward due to the restriction, would help my cause. That is all.