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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
first off i know Demon Slayer dont need more dps but i thought adjusting 2 skills would give them more rotation....i feel like they were missed opportunity
Skill 1(Carrion Breath):....if the duration was increase to 45 sec or if the damage for the dot were tripled ...it could be use as a skill to apply every 8 or 45 secs depending on the approach
Skill 2(Cerberus Bite)....technicly this 1 hit harder than Demon Impact but the delay it cause after use make it weaker than Demon Impact and doesn't feell like its meeting the intended role.....i think increasing its damage by 2.5 to 3X more will make it worth adding in the rotation
alternatively for Cerberus Bite.....remove the delay after its use and increase its damage by about 1.5X and it become a must add into the rotation
ofc this would make the class a bit more difficult to play but its a pretty easy one already to play so it would not be a big ramp up in difficulty
it wont be a too big dps gain either i think