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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
another suggestion for Hairs system rework
how about this alternative ?
make ALL hairs style available year long but only available for 1 week ?
from Week 1 to Week 52
split the male/female hairs evenly among the 52 weeks that 1 year has
you get to keep your horrendous Fear of missing out system, but you also give us a chance to get the hairs
style we want trough the year if we actively play
also better than only bringing them once every 4-10 years(which at that point you never make a sale if you drag
it that long
MY OLD SUGGESTION BELLOW(ignore it if you read it previously)
give us a full list of all the hairs styles
then have us select at least 20 of our favorite hairs style out of maybe 150+ option....(20 for each genders)
once the hairs style have been selected the game will set these 20 hairs style as rng chance to get
and select 2 hairs style out of the 20 that can be chosen as VIP monthly
for those that are impatient they will have to gamble for their desired hairs style with a 1 on 20 chance to get what they want