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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Life and Death Background Bug
Bug type:
Brief bug summary:
Life and Death skill causes backgrounds and platforms to disappear.
More details:
After the release of patch V.255 - The Dark Ride: Ride or Die, the Night Lord origin skill 'Life and Death' will experience a visual bug when activated.
Prior to patch release, when this skill is used, after the short cutscene and for the remaining duration of the skill, the background changes to a dark purple image and the background scenery as well as the platforms will also appear with a purple colour scheme.
After the patch release, when this skill is used, we have the same dark purple image. However, the background scenery and the platforms are no longer visible.
Steps to reproduce:
This visual bug will occur in any map. To recreate this, simple use the skill 'Life and Death'.
Character name:
Character level:
Character job:
Night Lord
World name:
Date and time of the incident:
Any time after patch v.255 release