Just in case anyone was wondering. I've listed the chair rewards from the kaleido spinner. Unfortunately, they're all untradeable. And yes, some chairs you can get from both boxes.
---From modest box (orange)--- bamboo chair blue spin hat moon bunny cushion blue dragon chair bunny chair crystalline dream elven throne fan dance moon bunny cushion korean woodwind moon bunny cushion (trumpeting) male desert rabbit cushion mechanical chair mysterious power elixir chair noblesse chair navy velvet sofa palm tree beach chair pink beach parasol passionate red potion chair red dragon chair red designer chair red spin hat moon bunny cushion refreshing blue potion chair starry night chair strong wooden chair soul teddy chair sky blue chair swing on the persimmon the porcelain throne the relaxer
---From great box (pink)--- black cat camper drill machine chair elize chair elluel concerto hilla's style maker jeweled maple chair mini shinsoo chair pink bean chair R.I.P chair shroom buddy chair
---From ultra box (violet)--- arkarium storytime demonic birthday elize chair elluel concerto ghost ship chair hilla's style maker mini shinsoo chair oh my empress R.I.P chair teatime with madeleine *teatime with sharyl
For the damage skins, I got the Halloween one from the pink box - it's untradeable. Zombie one is tradeable within account but I forgot to log which box I got it from.
Source: screenshots of results from guildie and from my own results.
Anything else worth while from the boxes besides a few chairs and damage skins?
Well there's the halloween equips. Earrings, pendant and shoulder IIRC. Bad stats, untradeable but I guess earrings maybe worth an anvil. I personally didn't like how it looked but you could have a different opinion.
Oh and as always, LOTS and LOTS of pots but no trait potions.
Oh and as always, LOTS and LOTS of pots but no trait potions.