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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Botters in GRAZED (and maybe other servers)
Dear Nexon
Please deal with botters on main servers. I play on GRAZED, and on almost every channel on every map in Haven, Twilight Perion and some places in Dark World Tree, there are botters. These botters put too much elite boss drops in the FM and overall ruin the economy. Im not sure if other main servers also have this issue, but it certainly is for GRAZED. To show how much they ruin the economy, I often see a botter shop with 800-900 cubic blades, 4 stacks of clean slates etc..
Please help.
you have many choices about this whole mess
1.- take a screenshot of even better record the shops in the fm that have a massive amount of cubic blades and the other very low drop rate stuff and submit a ticket with the evidence that they are botters that overflow the market
{but be aware that the consequences might be dire for some people not only botters}
2.- dont report them but shout or tell people to stop buying the stuff from them at high price soon they will lower their prices
or stop doing it altogether because people need to understand this, botters dont do it for fun... they do it in MOST cases for profit
3.- [data expunged by N A I. ]