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[Explorer Link Skill] New Forum Revamp
http://maplestory.nexon.net/community#/showthread.php?1551353-Explorer-Link-Skills-Let-s-brainstorm&nxid=6Up there, you can find a link to the good old days (not really) of foruming, when I made a thread about brainstorming up Link Skills for Explorer characters.
Well since I don't really want this new thread to become immediate clutter, I'm going to restart the thread, though I recommend you take a peek at the original thread to see some of what we already came up with (without being noticed by BaiNao-senpai)
Before I leave to sleep, let me clarify a few little things:
~Link skills aren't supposed to be completely game-changing, but they do add something to characters that is otherwise harder to obtain without legendary potential or certain class skills.
~Explorers, in my opinion of how maple lore goes, are not strong compared to the likes of Resistance Technology or the Blessing of Shinsoo, at least when comparing to the other classes made up of "generic characters" instead of classes that are a person who is really strong but lost all that power, i.e. Aran, The Demon, Xenon, hell even Pink Bean. Of course that's my opinion, I can't control what you think is the best link skill for XXX.
~Jett and Cannoneer are exempt since they already have link skills. Dual Blade could have their own link skill separate from the other two Explorer Thieves, but otherwise it's fair game.
Level 1:
All Stats: +1%
Min/Max Crit: +1%
Status Resist: +1%
Stance: +1%
Level 10: (Max)
All Stats: +10%
Min/Max Crit: +10%
Status Resist: +10%
Stance: +5%
Only base explorers would count towards this (so no Cannonners, Jetts, or DBs since they already have link skills). Consider that you would need to level 5 characters to 120 to get this effect, which is comparable to other link skills.
Xenon lvl 2 gives 10% stat
DA lvl 2 gives 10% damage (which is equivalent to 10%min/max crit at 100% crit chance)
Cygnus Knight lvl 4 gives 10% status resist
My proposed link skill for explorers is pretty much equivalent to level 5 other classes to 120 anyway, its in no way OP when seen through that lens considering the time investment is the same.
Since there are 5 explorer types, you could make the link so that, rather than being accumulative like Resistance and Cygnus, you have only one link skill that all explorers types link into to make one big link skill, but each explorer contributes a different stat.
For this example i'm lowering the amount that each stat gives except Stance...
Warrior: Stance (2%/5%) (for the benefit of having this link skill, some stance will need to be taken out of Power Stance or whatever the 1st job skill is that gives stance)
Magician: Status Res (2%/5%)
Bowman: Min Crit (2%/5%)
Thief: Max Crit (2%/5%)
Pirate: All Stat (2%/5%)
I'm coming up with ideas suddenly...
However you have to consider how many explorer you wanna count for it and if it only has level 1 and level 2 link or also a level 3 link. I do think that the char limit of 36 should be raised as well, when this gets introduced to at least 40 or even more. It would be nice to have space for every single char than!
Since DB's need a link in this story as well, we give them drop rate % link.
Lvl 1: 5% (70)
lvl 2: 10% (120)
lvl 3: 15% (210)
Granted that the Explorer's cash shop inventory is already a 3rd party transfer method to move cash items between other explorer classes, it'll be used as the 3rd party source to transfer ALL of your cash items, as long as your character has the link skill to access it.
There are currently 13 explorer classes excluding Jett and cannoneer, who already have link skills, so give the skill a giant skill level of 13, which increases the amount of Cash Items that can be transferred daily. This releases the stress on Nexon to constantly open a cash transfer event while also letting players transfer their cash items without waiting for the event.
Skill Name: Gift of The Adventurers
Level 1: Allows 2 cash shop items to be transferred per day.
Level 13: Allows 26 cash shop items to be transferred per day.
Max Level set to 30 in case Nexon decides to pump out more explorer classes, which is unlikely unless it's a 3rd Archer or another pirate class without it's own link skill to take Cannoneer's place.
The skill works by being a buff that temporarily class changes your class to a Beginner, or allows the system to pretend that your are, allowing you to instead be moved to the explorer cash shop inventory rather than your own. While the buff is active, you can only enter the cash shop. Movement keys and NPC chatting are disabled until you do so to prevent havoc. The cash shop looks like a regular cash shop only you are then allowed to right click and transfer items only to the character of which you gave the link skills to's cash inventory. When you leave the cash shop, the buff is removed and you can re-enter your normal cash shop inventory.