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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
stuck in map / heroes of maple
Since the huge lag makes the normal gaming impossible i tried doing the Heroes of maple quest instead
This results in getting stuck in a map, without the lag though, lol
Bug type: getting stuck in map
Brief bug summary: i hang around in an airship in heroes of maple and nothing happens
More details: unable to use teleport, go to some Boss or have a Beasttamer get you out with regroup from that map
(anything not included in the other sections of your report) quit game and logging back in just puts you right back in the map
Steps to reproduce: unable to do it again since i remain stuck, guess doing the heroes of maple questline should do the trick
(if not covered in the summary)
Character name: Torafugu
Character level: 216
Character job: kanna
World name: luna
Date and time of the incident: 11/18/2016 15,43UTC
(mention your time zone if you aren't posting Pacific time) UTC +1
If so, you're not stuck. Speak with NPC Kiruru and he will fly you to visit the other heroes.
i tried to Chat with kiruru but got no Response so i guessed it was an inactive NPC
Probably this is due to the huge lag issues we are having which makes it very hard to turn in any quests or talk to npc
guess i will Keep trying, thank you
guess this post can be deleted