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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Floating portals and graphics
Bug type:Graphics
Brief bug summary:Portals are not ground level in Alien Base Corridor. Castle gate graphics are displaced at Ninja Castle
More details: Alien Base: Alien Base Corridor 1
http://i.imgur.com/vOqpy0K.pngAlien Base: Alien Base Corridor 2
http://i.imgur.com/koX7TM1.pngZipangu: Outside Ninja Castle
http://i.imgur.com/nVnAaFM.pngZipangu: Inside the Castle Gate
http://i.imgur.com/tZc4Y4O.pngAlthough it doesn't matter too much, a few other portals at the alien base are slightly off the ground as well.
World name:Windia, but it's probably across all worlds.
If anyone finds any other examples, please contribute.