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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Hello anybody Ill try to finish the missions in the Afterland, but i have a problem in land of warrior i had all the other missions include break the wall in riches land, and i need to proceed do the statue in the warrior land, ill try all combinations, ill see comments in youtube in ohter webs thats need rain and next talk with the statue after with the Pirate Edgar and finally with the statue, but in my case dont work i ll continue and continue differents types off wheaters, hits, become a giant and hit, change to day/ nigth, rainy suny and rays and nothing, well is imposible to restart and is bad i like the stories and missiones but isnt the first time that i cant finish one, please can u repair or restart??? PD: Repat again i try too with rainy and nothing
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