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V Breakthrough Event?

Reactions: 2,025
Posts: 243
edited December 2016 in General Chat
So if you click on Featured Events ( http://maplestory.nexon.net/news/19150/maplestory-v-events-11-30-12-27 ) and you also click on Limitless Patch Notes ( http://maplestory.nexon.net/news/19035/updated-v-178-v-limitless-patch-notes ), scroll down to the V Breakthrough Event, the level 160, 180, and 200 boxes are different and I was wondering which one is right.

On the Limitless Notes it adds 50m to the 160 box, 100m to the 180 box, and then the 200 box you get 200m with 1k Maple Points but under Featured Events the 200 box gives 10k Maple Points and no Mesos.


  • Its2Sharp4UIts2Sharp4U
    Reactions: 6,020
    Posts: 884
    edited December 2016
    That's rather interesting... maybe an official can respond to this.

    Or better yet try to find out. I'm certain that some people will easily reach this goal point within a few days if not hours after the servers being up.
  • Dnaman101Dnaman101
    Reactions: 2,025
    Posts: 243
    edited December 2016
    Either you get 8k Maple Points and 350m Mesos or 17k Maple Points and no Mesos. Either way I'll be happy but would like to know for sure which it is.
  • Dnaman101Dnaman101
    Reactions: 2,025
    Posts: 243
    edited December 2016
  • Dnaman101Dnaman101
    Reactions: 2,025
    Posts: 243
    edited December 2016
  • ehiforgotehiforgot
    Reactions: 400
    Posts: 7
    edited December 2016
    Is Play V Rewards Event not working for anyone else? I have opened more than 100 boxes already and have played for longer than 3 hours along side completing all of the objectives stated by the Event. Help?
    Nvm. I'm dumb.