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Will there ever be a NX Transfer Event?
I am bringing this up because after Reboot a lot of Servers have died, I am originally from Mardia and it is dead af right now. Will it ever be possible for a short time to let us Transfer NX Clothing from 1 World to Reboot. Similar to a World Transfer Event but instead of the character being moved only the NX, I wouldn't mind charging like $5 or $10 to do it... as long as there was no limit on how much can be sent over. Seems a bit unfair for us who spent 100s on the game and then later get our world killed.
P.S. - This would also help with the issue of some NX Clothing not being in Reboot because it was released only once before its time. Item's like these that would have costed us upwards to $35 or $50
The question is not about a normal NX transfer event, but an inter-world one. Moving items from e.g. Scania to Reboot.
Frankly, I don't see that ever happening.
Fact is, all games shut down eventually. Whatever you buy in an online game will some day be gone, even if it was "permanent".
Now, I'm not saying MapleStory is about to shut down. There's more than enough population in the non-Reboot servers, it's just spread a little thin. They'll have to figure out how to concentrate all the active players in two or three active servers. But eventually, everything you have on Mardia or Reboot will go to the great bit-bucket in the sky. Gotta come to terms with that and just enjoy it while you can.
Take every Non-Reboot server/world and mash them all into a single new world. Not only would this help in the way of making World Populations less thin, It would also save Nexon Money with only needing enough servers up for a total of 2 Worlds > Reboot and Normal Server World. There is no real reason to have like 15 World at this point, It was Smart back in the day... but back in the day we also had millions of players daily.
I would be perfectly fine with keeping my NX on my main server if they were to merge into 1 World, Thus making it less dead. In the end i would like to see a NX Transfer event of some kind... doubtful but Nexon has pulled off weirder stuff than this that surprised people. If they do it will probably cost, I would be fine with that as long as it's not like $50 -_-
P.S. - People have spent 1000+ on Cosmetics as well btw, Not just people that use NX for Dmg. I can vouch for this as my account has about 1300 or so in Cosmetics alone.