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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
How Hard Would It Be To Get Mercdeas From 150-210?
Curious how hard would it be to get to 210 from 150, with not much funding. Possibly might make one and then a zero to 200.
With the current events Burning and 2x and future 2x and even 30% less to 200. I'm going do what I always wanted to do before leveling mules or level up chars to main as i never truely main any char or fudned them ETC in my years of plaing on and off.
My Goal Is
210 Mercedes (150 First), Then I'll Make A Zero, Then Back To Mercedes.
After I Hit 210
I Will Level Zero Up To 200, Probably VIA Story + 2x Quest
I don't care what anyone says, what maybe a waste to others, may not be waste to me
I got my main, unfunded Mercedes, in Reboot, to 200 in 2 months before the 30% drop in exp, mind that I have a full time job. I didn't consider this hard, maybe because I played pre- big bang and back then took me 7 months to get my I/L to 113.