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Check out the v.255 - The Dark Ride: Ride or DIe Patch Notes
Bug type: Bossing Bug
Brief bug summary: When fighting Normal Horntail, it has a chance of randomly teleporting you into the Chaos Horntail map, where nothing will spawn and force you to leave.
More details: This happened to me when I was fighting the final form of Horntail. This bug could be linked to the people who don't get a Chaos Horntail spawn during their Chaos runs.
Steps to reproduce: Enter Normal Horntail and fight it.
Character name: Antroxious
Character level: 170
Character job: Evan
World name: Scania
Date and time of the incident: 4 - 12 - 2016
Oh and yes this has probably been reported before, but I really didn´t take the time to look for it... Would be a bit unfair if we´d have to look around the forums for something if Nexon doesn´t do it themselves.