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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
No gift in burning character
Bug type: Missing content
Brief bug summary: Missing Lvl 30 box and Lvl 100 boxes from burning event
More details: Somehow, when I created my burning character (it's my first time), the boxes did not appear. I though that it MAY spawn in my inventory when I would reach Lvl 30 and Lvl 100 respectively, but in vain. Now I am 4th job, expected to get frozen set, but have nothing in the end from the event.
Steps to reproduce:
-Create a burning character
-Lvl up to 30 checking if the content spawned. Did not.
-Lvl up to 100 and then checking again if the content spawned. The boxes did NOT appear
Character name: Plugos
Character level: 58
Character job: Demon Avenger
World name: Scania
Date and time of the incident: December 5th, 2016