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Black Heaven - Act 6 Final boss (Need help :/.)

Reactions: 300
Posts: 11
edited December 2016 in General Chat
Umm, Wth is this boss? I'm able to handle the dps it dishes out, and dodge all the moves / Mobs that come out. But like... I finished the first phase in 7 minutes, the second phase in 16 minutes... Leaving me with 7 minutes left for the final phase. I got it to 1/3rd HP down but couldn't kill it with 7 minutes left. I'm level 157 with 44-49k DPS.

My brother has given me some items so I could at least withstand some normal mobs and be able to kill them, but I DEFINITELY don't have enough time to kill the boss. What should I do?

When fighting the boss, I avoided many hits, I had all my buffs on me constantly, and I pretty much held down my PG Down move the entire boss fight while in my Boss Aura +25%.


  • Mallow256Mallow256
    Reactions: 1,060
    Posts: 69
    edited December 2016
    I think you need more damage than that. Story mode lotus may be easy, but he is still no cakewalk.

    Give it another try and put all your effort into damaging him once you're past phase 1. At phase 3, dodge the purple bombs, but don't bother with everything else. At least that's how I do it. But then again, we have significantly different characters.
  • AggraphineAggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited December 2016
    Throw the fight a few times and you'll get the option to weaken him.
  • PuayaPuaya
    Reactions: 430
    Posts: 20
    edited December 2016
    just lvl up more and come back later. no need to rush.