Generic intro here
Hello everyone, I'm Dannie. Here to set you off on a ramble "please tell me they have a tl;dr" thread about yet-another-reboot-guild.
A little background, and why I'm making my own guild:
I'm chronically ill, and with that comes mental illness. Back when RED launched I was currently in a position where I was "stuck" watching life around me move on, being jealous of everyone, y'know generic sob story. Every venture I took to improve myself or "get better" with my illness failed, as if everything I did I ruined. Which lead to an experiment.
I started a guild, with my depression as the base of it. How many people would be willing to join a guild lead by somebody who was always down and gloomy? Turns out within two weeks the guild had maxed out, within a month half those members acted like good friends. Going on three, four months these people are still looking to me as a leader despite me being a stereotype the internet tends to mock.
Eventually, things began to dwindle as it was meant to be just an experiment, and I left the guild to focus on other things for a while. But this taught me a lot about the internet and how easy it is for people to forget how much positive there can be just because there's also a negative side.
"Okay seriously enough rambling you said this was a guild recruiting post!"
Keeping the idea of "destroying everything I touch" and what I learned from that experience, plus many others since, I bring to you the guild Desecrate.
Desecrate is a mature guild with the goal of "destroying" the idea that the online gaming community is just a toxic mess. Even though Maplestory has it's fair share of negativity, that doesn't mean actual communities can't be built within it. The hope is to make maple feel more like an MMO again, without the constraints of how some guilds can become very "cliquey." With the possibility open to bringing in more guilds, and even entire alliances to help the Reboot player-base become more like the friendly community Maplestory was to lots of us back in the mid-2000's.
How do I join?
The only requirements are you be respectful, friendly, and willing to help others. At first I wanted the guild to be 18+, but if you can present yourself in a mature manner that's enough for me.
You can find me in game under VulpesAnima, or send a request in the guild search function to join!
Feel free to leave any questions in the thread below, and I'll try to remember to check the forums for the next few days ^.^ (PS we also need an Alliance!)