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The year is Twelve Thousand Sixteen

Reactions: 1,855
Posts: 106
edited December 2016 in Off-Topic Discussion
Ever hear about the Holocene calendar? It is a very neat concept which I am adopting because I need to feel superior to everyon---- I mean because it is a really interesting and viable calendar!

In short, it is based off (what is thought to be) the first communal structure man kind ever built, about -10k years from year 0 on the Gregorian calendar, the proposed calendar basically changes nothing - just adds a 1 in front of the year. Barring a religious discussion: I think the first time humans truly worked as one is a much better day 1 for the human race than our current one.

Further reading:


Video regarding the subject:

What do you guys think?


  • BowmaNxNLBowmaNxNL
    Reactions: 1,250
    Posts: 86
    Member, Private Tester
    edited December 2016
    Saw this a few days ago, and thougth it was a pretty interesting idea.
  • BIackbeanBIackbean
    Reactions: 3,450
    Posts: 519
    edited December 2016
    nice video!! but still confused by 12016?
  • DalethDaleth
    Reactions: 1,855
    Posts: 106
    edited December 2016
    BIackbean said:

    nice video!! but still confused by 12016?
    Basically the proposed calendar (Holocene calendar) Changes the "year 0" on the calendar from 2016 years ago to 12016 years ago, meaning that the new calendar has an extra 10,000 years on it -- the date they chose is a fitting one as it truly marks the beginnings of our race working as one