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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Bring back Random Beauty Coupons
Hey everyone, do you all remember the magenta-colored envelopes with gold lining that allowed players to change their character's physical appearance (skin color, eyes, eye color, hair, and hair color)?
I didn't get to participate in the one that happened last year because I stopped playing due to my main account being deactivated, causing me to be demotivated to play (but I'm back now!!).
Yes, I know about Beauty Salon, but seriously, who wants to spend $3.4-$5.9 USD buying a VIP Hair/Hair Color, REG Hair/Hair Color, VIP Eye/Eye Color, REG Eye/Eye Color, VIP Plastic Surgery/REG Plastic Surgery/Royal Hair/Royal Face/All-Stars Hair/All-Stars Face Coupon each time they want to change their hair/hair color/eye/eye color/skin color to something new and then save it? Instead, you can have your whole appearance randomized and then save specific hair styles with specific colors or specific eyes with specific colors and then apply it onto your desired skin color.
I would like it if this old event was reintroduced again. It's one of those super-rare events that happens once a year/every two years.
Please keep in mind that I haven't played for a little more over a year, so I'm not caught up with the updates and whether this already happened sometime in the spring or summer of this year.
Please consider re-implementing this event for 1-2 weeks in the near future (preferably in mid-November-mid-December or whenever).
Thank you.