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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
How do i do afterlands incant?! Day almost over
please please help me asap, before i lose any chance of doing this?
where do i go, how do i activate bottle? Does the fact that the bottles are switched mean i cant do it at all?
You activate the bottle by double-clicking on it in your inventory, and then saying (in all chat) "Accio Portalis". You'll get some flashing lights around you, and then you can turn in the quest.
Is there a special place? it wasnt working for me.
Also, were your bottles switched? I got the "full" one first, then when i filled it i got the empty one... im wondering if thats why it wouldnt activate when double clicked?
As far as I know it's the only thing in maple to ever work like this.
I thought I was being kind of foolish when I typed it in until I got the light show lol.
Did you get it to work for you Diannika?
The issue wasnt case sensitivity, i never got the bottle to react until now at all.