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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Maplestory Beyond - Heavy Mech summon nerfs
From Orangemushroom:
Robo Factory RM1 Robo Factory: RM1: cooldown has been increased from 40 seconds to 60 seconds
Robot Mastery Robot Mastery: robot’s summon duration time boost has been decreased from 70% to 40%
Magnetic Field Magnetic Field – Cooltime Reduce: cooldown reduction has been decreased from 50% to 25%
Robo Factory RM1 Mechanic’s Robot Factory: RM1: duration has been decreased from 40 seconds to 30 seconds.
Magnetic Field - Persist Mechanic’s Magnetic Field – Persist: duration boost has been decreased from 20 seconds to 10 seconds.
Seriously, why are they nerfing the summons like this? There's virtually no reason to do that.
"Mechanic's Rock 'n Shock and Bots 'n Tots are able to have their summon durations be higher than their cooldowns through Robot Mastery and Hyper Skills. Rock 'n Shock and Bots 'n Tots are powerful summon skills, but being able to summon them again immediately after their cooldowns finish makes them too powerful. Thus, we have increased their cooldowns and decreased their summon durations."