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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
I was playing European MS, got moved to Global, the world was called Luna.
I just logged in and saw a choice of about 15 worlds, some of which I recognize from my days in MapelSEA, before moving to Europe.
Side question: am I too late to revive my MapleSEA account?
Main question: how do I know which of these worlds I am supposed to log in to?
The 15 worlds you see are the North American worlds. None of your characters are there.
Btw, did i miss the cut-off to transfer my old MapleSEA account?
Unfortunately, Nexon (and AsiaSoft) don't have any mechanism in place to allow people who move countries to be able to take their Maple account with them to their new country.