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Regular Name Change Events every 3 months or so

Reactions: 2,680
Posts: 84
edited October 2016 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
Hello! I feel like name change events are suggested many times after a name change event ends, so why not have them more frequently? I feel like waiting once a year (or potentially even longer) is quite a long time. I understand these coupons were taken away because of the length they added to server maintenances, but surely having them once every 3 months wouldn't hurt anyone and I think it would be a great improvement to the game. I personally am really wanting another one soon because I was trying to swap names between worlds and the name I want to swap to is reserved until my first name change is processed. Please implement this!
  1. What would you like to see?14 votes
    1. Have more frequent name change events
       50% (7 votes)
    2. I do not want more name change events
       14% (2 votes)
    3. I don't care
       29% (4 votes)
    4. Other
       7% (1 vote)


  • DiannikaDiannika
    Reactions: 995
    Posts: 132
    edited October 2016
    Id say every six months, announced at least a month in advance (for ppl who can only buy NX once a month if that, and add a seperate name swap coupon (so you dont have to wait thru 2 name changes to complete a name swap)
  • KlaraKlara
    Reactions: 3,385
    Posts: 245
    edited October 2016
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
    Posts: 6,342
    Member, Private Tester
    edited October 2016
    Name changes were removed for two reasons:
    1. Longer and glitchier maintenances. You might say you don't care, but when Nexon starts to announce 10-hour maintenances every month (between patches and name changes), people are going to whine.
    2. Scammers using name changes (and server transfers, back when that was a thing) every time they become notorious.

    While the 1st might not be a problem, the second one remains. Many guilds keep lists of known scammers and hackers, but if they can change their name every 3 months (or even more frequently with that KMS NPC), there's no way to keep track. Of course, if we could count on Nexon to ban these people shortly after they're reported....
  • gamechangergamechanger
    Reactions: 3,460
    Posts: 506
    edited October 2016
    KMS introduced an automated system that Klara linked to, which seemed to work well for them. I don't see what is stopping GMS from implementing something similar. I would rather not have any more events though, just get the NPC and his functionality
  • IvangoldIvangold
    Reactions: 2,985
    Posts: 588
    edited October 2016
    The KMS system change only the ''appreance of the name'' but not in it's interely, rankings still use the original name as far as i know(and messages that show your name), i guess the first name change we got was a one time only basically.
    Edit:it will come eventually, i guess(now seeying we should already have this NPC).
  • StargethStargeth
    Reactions: 2,680
    Posts: 84
    edited October 2016
    I personally don't like the idea of the name-swap NPC that KMS got because rankings/etc. aren't actually physically changed; I really would like to change my name internally in the system.

    @AKradian: The longer maintenances is a valid point, but having a name change event once every 3 months for an extra hour or 2 on maintenances is not that bad honestly. And for your second point about hackers/scammers, if someone changes there name and hacks again they'll be just as likely to be caught as having no name changes. As for the scamming part, how do people get scammed except by participating in illegal activity (by Maple ToS) anyway? Even in a worst case scenario, Nexon probably has logs of name-changes and would be able to associate the new name with the old scammer/hacker. The only problem I see is if someone hacks and gets away with it then changes their name, but I still think in scenarios like that, they are just as likely to get away without name-changes since no one caught them in the act before they changed their name anyway.

    Basically I think that having name-changes does not really hurt us. Look at KMS; they seem to be doing fine with instant name-changes.