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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
[GRAPHICS] Jett: Backup Beatdown attack animation
Bug type: GRAPHICS
Brief bug summary:The skill Backup Beatdown bonus attack hit animation is reusing the Zen (dragon warrior) animation, which is a red/orange explosion instead of the purple/blue theme of Jett.
http://puu.sh/qUAOt/bc84872086.pngSteps to reproduce:1. Have a Jett level 100+ with a point in the skill Backup Beatdown
2. Tap (don't hold) the skill to activate the bonus attacks
3. Watch the animation
Expected result:Color of the bonus attacks explosion should be purple/blue like the Jett theme.
Observed result:Color of the bonus attacks explosion is red/orange like the Zen (dragon warrior) equivalent skill.
http://i.giphy.com/fnrky9TEmPyH6.gifCharacter name: Gangsta
Character level: 245
Character job: Jett
World name: Mardia
Date and time of the incident: August 30th, 2016 @ 18:00 PST (still up as January 9th, 2017)