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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
[FUNCTIONNALITY] Jett: Space Walk reverse status
Bug type: Functionality
Brief bug summary:When you get the abnormal status reverse on Jett, your controls are reversed except if you use the skill Space Walk (flash jump).
http://puu.sh/qUAnK/9c9d645db8.pngSteps to reproduce:1. Get the abnormal status reverse on a Jett.
2. Try to walk to the right side (LEFT arrow key) and use the Space Walk skill (LEFT arrow key).
Expected result:Controls are reversed, so players are expecting the Space Walk skill to go in the right direction if they used the LEFT arrow key.
Observed result:The space Walk skill isn't affected by the abnormal status reverse. If you try to jump to the right by pressing the LEFT arrow key, your character will jump to the left.
http://i.giphy.com/63ZU5AsUCCri8.gifCharacter name: Gangsta
Character level: 245
Character job: Jett
World name: Mardia
Date and time of the incident: August 30th, 2016 @ 18:00 PST (still up as January 9th, 2017)