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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
[FUNCTIONNALITY] Jett: Delay with Strikeforce
Bug type: Functionality
Brief bug summary:This is a tricky and annoying bug. If you hold Starforce Salvo to attack ennemies and you decide to stop hold the key because you want to a new action, it's possible that the few bullets left to hit a monster will activate the Strikeforce Showdown skill (2% chance) while your Jett is not anymore under the Starforce Salvo state. This is causing one problem: Jett will be stuck, casting the Strikeforce Showdown animation like if the Jett wants to attack an ennemy.
http://puu.sh/qUwP0/a663e06c53.pngSteps to reproduce:1. You need a Jett level 100+, raise Starforce Salvo and Strikeforce Showdown skills.
2. Attack an ennemy while holding down Starforce Salvo and release the key to not attack anymore with the Starforce Salvo.
3. If you are lucky, you might get the 2% activation chance to cast Strikeforce Shodown when you do attack with Starforce Salvo.
Expected result:Jett shouldn't do any animation when casting Strikeforce Showdown even if the character is not in the Starforce Salvo state.
Observed result:Jett casts an animation when Strikeforce Showdown activate when the character is not in the Starforce Salvo state. This is causing trouble to dodge quick attacks and caused many deaths when bossing.
http://i.giphy.com/hleT5IAnLW46Y.gifCharacter name: Gangsta
Character level: 245
Character job: Jett
World name: Mardia
Date and time of the incident: August 30th, 2016 @ 18:00 PST (still up as January 9th, 2017)