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Check out the v.255 - The Dark Ride: Ride or DIe Patch Notes
[FUNCTIONNALITY] Jett: Regular attacks & boxes
Bug type: Functionality
Brief bug summary:Jett regular attacks are replaced by the Starline skills (1 up to 4). You can't stand up and try to use regular attacks on boxes because it won't be considered as a regular attack, but the Starline skill. The only way out is to duck and use the regular attack button.
http://puu.sh/qUy0O/817858144f.pngSteps to reproduce:Use regular attacks while standing up on boxes (event, quests, boss rewards, etc).
Expected result:Boxes should get hit and destroy with few regular attacks.
Observed result:Boxes don't get hit because Jett uses Starline instead of regular attacks.
http://i.giphy.com/j44astHannr7G.gifCharacter name: Gangsta
Character level: 245
Character job: Jett
World name: Mardia
Date and time of the incident: August 30th, 2016 @ 18:00 PST (still up as January 9th, 2017)