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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
[FUNCTIONNALITY] Jett: Falling Stars damage input
Bug type: Functionality
Brief bug summary:The skill Falling Stars doesn't always damage ennemies.
http://puu.sh/qUvTB/a1e304fe59.pngSteps to reproduce:Use Falling Stars multiple times on ennemies. I had a better success to repeat this bug when you cancel the skill before it reaches 3 seconds in the air.
Expected result:The skill is supposed to deal damage and kill ennemies, even if you hold it down completely or cancel before the skill ended.
Observed result:Sometimes, it happens the skill get glitched and you can see ennemies getting hit, but in reality they don't get any damage on the server side. I already got few crashes (random) from this skill.
http://i.giphy.com/UgTkc6pim4ytO.gifCharacter name: Gangsta
Character level: 245
Character job: Jett
World name: Mardia
Date and time of the incident: August 30th, 2016 @ 18:00 PST (still up as January 9th, 2017)