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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Glory Guard Ring: Guardian will not upgrade
I bought the Reboot Tenebris Expedition Ring Coupon Stage 1, used it, released the potential, and equipped it. Several hours later, I bought the Stage 2 upgrade coupon for it, however, regardless of how the stage 2 coupon is used, it will not work.
Method 1: Unequipping the ring, double clicking the stage 2 coupon.
Result: Message saying: "To enhance the Tenebris Expedition Ring to the next level, you must have the ring from the previous level"
Method 2: Leaving the ring equipped and using the drag and drop method as one would with a scroll.
Result: Message saying : "You cannot use Reboot Tenebris Expedition Ring Coupon (Stage 2) on this equipment."
I have tried a repair installation, resetting from the launcher and resetting the entire pc wilst repeating methods one and 2 each time, but to no avail. After speaking to several Alliance members, it was decided this issue is unique to my character, as no one else has had any issues with getting their rings maxed.
Thank you for your time and assistance.
Character Name: AdventRng
Character Level: 203
Character Job: Pathfinder
World Name: Reboot
Date & Time of Incident: 1/9/2020 at roughly 3am Central Standard Time.
Are you trying to upgrade a Tenebris ring or the Glory Guard: Guardian ring?
Thank you for pointing out my mix up.